lunes, 13 de mayo de 2013


1981: Beginning of the Reagan era in the United States. The January 20, 1981, became president of the United States, Republican Ronald Reagan. His campaign, national pride, defending traditional values ​​and patriotism, promising to redirect the country into the role of world power. Reagan remained in office eight years.

1982: Murdered who was the leader and founder of The Beatles, John Lennon, at the hands of a fan.

1986: The space shuttle Challenger explodes on takeoff. Died seven people, including an american teacher. 

1986: Chernobyl disaster  a catastrophic nuclear accident that occurred on 26 April 1986 at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in Ukraine caused a controverse of  the use of the nuclear energy in the world. 

1989:  The falling of the Berlin wall  paved the way for German reunification.

 1989: The aids cause the death of millions of people in all over the world.


The dreams become in technology

It is said that everything is invented  due to that there have been times when the revolutionary inventions arose everywhere.
In the decade of the eighties  appeared the microwave, without which  many of us would not know  how to survive. Inventions that modernized offices as the fax. And of course, many funny inventions that have evolved to infinity in the last two decades, as the Walkman, VHS video tape or consoles

In the 1980s, new and amazing gadgets saw the light. It was the transition from the industrial age to the information age. A digital decade dedicated to ergonomics and entertainment  that forever revolutionize the way we work, play and communicate.
We said goodbye to the pen, to the paper, to the secretary and welcome to a new era of  changes full of important  inventions that mades our world.
The Walkman launched by the company Sony in 1979 became a symbol in the eighties. This device allowed to obtain mobile sound  with a quality similar to others equipment , without being so bulky.
A young boy using the walkman in his blue jeans. Was a symbol of the eighties
Video games
Video games had Their old age in the 80's. After the fever generated by games like Space invanders, this recreation machines became popular and you could find them everywhere, bars, malls, stores. In Usa was begining a new industry  that atracted  many millions of dollars and fans.
 Nintendo Entertainment System and Space Invaders, all a sensation between the teenagers and young peolpe.
First cellphone
The first record to the mobile phone in USA is the company Motorola, with its model DynaTAC 8000X. The model was created and designed by engineer Rudy Krolopp Motorola in 1983. The model weighed less than a kilo and had a value of nearly U.S. $ 4,000. Krolopp and the father of this technology, Matt Copper , allied to continue the development of  mobile cellular.
A yupie was defined by his devices



domingo, 12 de mayo de 2013


In the United States, sports in the decade of the eighties was one of the best sports seasons in U.S. sports history. One of the best sporting moments that marked forever the history of the USA were ...
  •     In the village of Lake Placid, New York, took place the XIII Olympic Winter Games.

1981 Fed Cup: United States Champion.

   1984: July 28 to August 12: Olympics are held in Los Angeles.


   1984: The Chicago Bulls pick Michael Jordan  Number 3 of the NBA draft.

1986: Mike Tyson won his first world championship boxing, knocking Berbick in two rounds for the WBC heavyweight title in Las Vegas in 1986.

1987 Pan American Games in Indianapolis (USA).   

sábado, 11 de mayo de 2013


After the huge impact of the 70´s music, began to appear a lot of kind of styles in the music of the 80´s. We can say that the 80´s was the explosion of a lot of kind of rhythms, sounds and cultures around the world.
This decade had various important  charaters like:

Singer, dancer, director and actress Madonna was a sensational self-promoter who drove herself to stardom on the pop music charts, in concert halls, on film, and in music videos.