lunes, 13 de mayo de 2013


1981: Beginning of the Reagan era in the United States. The January 20, 1981, became president of the United States, Republican Ronald Reagan. His campaign, national pride, defending traditional values ​​and patriotism, promising to redirect the country into the role of world power. Reagan remained in office eight years.

1982: Murdered who was the leader and founder of The Beatles, John Lennon, at the hands of a fan.

1986: The space shuttle Challenger explodes on takeoff. Died seven people, including an american teacher. 

1986: Chernobyl disaster  a catastrophic nuclear accident that occurred on 26 April 1986 at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in Ukraine caused a controverse of  the use of the nuclear energy in the world. 

1989:  The falling of the Berlin wall  paved the way for German reunification.

 1989: The aids cause the death of millions of people in all over the world.

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